Research Luis Fernandez-Sanz

Ongoing research projects funded by official research programs:

  • Project of Plan Nacional de I+D+i (National R&D Program) TIN2007-67843-C06-01, TECNICAS PARA PRUEBAS FUNCIONALES EN ARQUITECTURAS ORIENTADAS A SERVICIOS (Techniques for functional testing in SOA), dates: 2008-2010, Full-time, funded budget: 98.000 euros
  • Special Action (National R&D Program) TIN2007-30391-E, REPRIS - Red para la mejora y la promocion de las pruebas en la ingenieria del software (Network for improvement and promotion of testing in software engineering), Dates: 2007-2009, funded budget: 9.000 euros
  • Recent research projects funded by official research programs:

  • Project of the Program "Estudios y Analisis" (Studies & Analysis), Ministry of Science and Innovation, INTEGRACION DE LAS COMPETENCIAS GENERICAS Y SU EVALUACION EN LOS ESTUDIANTES EN LOS NUEVOS TITULOS DE GRADO (Integration of general competencies and their evaluation in the new degrees of EHEA). Ending date: July 2009, Funded budget: 13.255 euros