
  1. Moreno, J., Rodriguez, D., Nebro, A.J., Lozano, J.A., Merge Non-Dominated Sorting Algorithm for Many-Objective Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Accepted, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/10.1109/TCYB.2020.2968301 [Bib] [Source code (jMetal)] [Arxiv]
  2. Moreno, J., Gonzalez, D., Rodriguez, D., Design of a TTC Antenna using Simulation and Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms, IEEE Aerospace & Electronics Magazine, 34(7), 18-31, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/MAES.2019.2916535 [Bib]
  3. Palma-Mendoza, J.R., de-Marcos, L., Rodriguez, D., Alonso-Betanzos, A., Distributed Correlation-Based Feature Selection in Spark, Information Sciences, 496, 287-299, Sept 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2018.10.052 [Bib] [GitHub source code]
  4. Yago, H., Clemente, J., Rodriguez, D., Competence-based recommender systems: a systematic literature review, Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 37, Issue 10-11, pp. 958-977, 2018 DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2018.1496276 [Bib]
  5. Ruiz, M., Moreno, J. Dorronsoro, B., Rodriguez, D., Using Simulation-based Optimization in the Context of IT Service Management Change Process, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 112, August 2018, 35-47, DOI: 10.1016/j.dss.2018.06.004 [Bib]
  6. Ramo, R., García, M., Rodriguez, D, Chuvieco, E., A data mining approach for global burned area mapping , International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 73, pp. 39-51, Dec 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2018.05.027 [Bib]
  7. Hernández-González, J., Rodriguez, D., Inza, I., Harrison, R., Lozano, J.A., Two datasets of defect reports labeled by a crowd of annotators of unknown reliability, Data in Brief, Vol. 18, pp. 840-845, June 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2017.10.047 [Bib] [Datasets]
  8. Palma-Mendoza, R.J., Rodriguez, D., de-Marcos, L. Distributed ReliefF based Feature Selection in Spark, Knowledge and Information Systems, 57, pp. 1–20, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s10115-017-1145-y [Bib] [GitHub source code]
  9. Yago, H., Clemente, J., Rodriguez, D., Fernandez-de-Cordoba, P., ON-SMMILE: Ontology Network-based Student Model for MultIple Learning Environments, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 115, May 2018, pp. 48-67. DOI: 10.1016/j.datak.2018.02.002 [Bib]
  10. Hernández-González, J., Rodriguez, D., Inza, I., Harrison, R., Lozano, J.A., Learning to classify software defects from crowds: a novel approach, Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 62, pp. 579-591, January 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2017.10.047 [Bib] [Additional Material]
  11. Pietrantuono, R., Potena, P., Pecchia, A., Rodriguez, D., Russo, S., Fernandez, L., Multi-Objective Testing Resource Allocation under Uncertainty, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 22(3), 347-362, June 2018 DOI: 10.1109/TEVC.2017.2691060 [Bib]
  12. Dolado, J.J., Rodriguez, D., Harman, M., Langdon, W.B., Sarro, F., Evaluation of Estimation Models using the Minimum Interval of Equivalence, Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 49, Dec. 2016, pp. 956-967, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2016.03.026 [Bib] [Replication package:]
  13. Herraiz, I., Rodriguez, D., Robles, G., Gonzalez-Barahona, J.M., The evolution of the laws of software evolution: A discussion based on a systematic literature review, ACM Computing Surveys, 46(2), Nov. 2013, Article 28. DOI: 10.1145/2543581.2543595 [Bib]
  14. Rodriguez, D., Ruiz, R., Riquelme, J.C., Harrison, R., A Study of Subgroup Discovery Approaches for Defect Prediction, Information and Software Technology, 55(10), October 2013, pp. 1810-1822, DOI: 10.1016/j.infsof.2013.05.002 [Bib]
  15. Rodriguez, D., Ruiz, R., Riquelme, J.C., Aguilar-Ruiz, J.S., Searching for Rules to Detect Defective Modules: A Subgroup Discovery Approach, Information Sciences, Vol. 191, 2012, pp. 14-30. DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2011.01.039 [Bib]
  16. Rodriguez, D., Sicilia, M.A., García E., Harrison, R., Empirical Findings on Team Size and Productivity in Software Development, Journal of Systems and Software, 85(3), March 2012, pp 562-570. DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2011.09.009 [Bib]
  17. Sicilia, M.A., Rodríguez, D., García, E., Sanchez, S. Empirical Findings on Ontology Metrics, Expert Systems with Applications, 39(8), 2012, pp. 6706-6711, DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2011.11.094 [Bib]
  18. Ocampo, E., Maceiras, M., Herrera, S., Maurente, C., Rodríguez, D., Sicilia, M.A., Comparing Bayesian Inference and Case-Based Reasoning as Support Techniques in the Diagnosis of Acute Bacterial Meningitis, Expert Systems with Applications, 38(8), 10343-10354, 2011, DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2011.02.055 [Bib]
  19. García-Barriocanal, E., Sánchez, S., Rodriguez, D., Devising Instruction from Empirical Findings on Student Errors: A Case in Usability Engineering Education, International Journal of Engineering Education, 27(1), pp. 1-7, 2011. [Bib]
  20. Rodriguez, D., García, E., Sánchez, S.and Rodríguez-Solano, C., Defining Software Process Models Constraints with Rules using OWL and SWRL, Intl Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 20(4), pp. 533-548, 2010. DOI: 10.1142/S0218194010004876 [Bib][Extended Draft]
  21. Sicilia, M.A., García, E., Sánchez, S. and Rodríguez, D., Ontologies of engineering knowledge: general structure and the case of Software Engineering, The Knowledge Engineering Review, 24(3), 309-326, 2009, DOI: 10.1017/S0269888909990087 [Bib]
  22. Rodriguez, D., Sicilia, M.A., Sánchez, S., Lezcano, L. and Garcia, E., Exploring affiliation network models as a collaborative filtering mechanism in e-learning, Interactive Learning Environments, 19(4), pp. 317-331, 2011, DOI: 10.1080/10494820903148610 [Bib]
  23. Rejas, R., Cuadrado, J.J., Sicilia, M.A., Rodriguez, D., SLA: A legal assurance process model for software engineering management, Software Process: Improvement and Practice, 12(2), 191-198. Wiley, 2007, DOI: 10.1002/spip.315 [Bib]
  24. Cuadrado, J.J., Rodriguez, D., Garre, M., Sicilia, M.A., Garcia, A., Software Project Effort Estimation Based on Multiple Parametric Models Generated Through Data Clustering Journal of Computer Science Technology, 22(3), 371-378, 2007, DOI: 10.1007/s11390-007-9043-5 [Bib]
  25. Rodríguez, D., Sicilia, M.A., Cuadrado, J.J., Pfahl, D., "e-Learning in project management using simulation models: A case study based on the replication of an experiment", IEEE Transactions on Education, 49(4), 451-463, November 2006, DOI: 10.1109/TE.2006.882367 [Bib]
  26. Cuadrado-Gallego, J.J., Sicilia, M.A., Garre M., Rodríguez, D., "An empirical study of process-related attributes in segmented software cost-estimation relationships," Journal of Systems and Software, 79(3), 351-361, March 2006, DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2005.04.040 [Bib]
  27. Siebel, N.T., Cook S., Satpathy M., Rodriguez, D., Latitudinal and Longitudinal Process Diversity, Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution, 15(1), 9-25 , January/February 2003, Online ISSN: 1532-0618, Print ISSN: 1532-060X, DOI: 10.1002/smr.264 [Bib]

Other Journal Publications

  1. Medina-Merodio, J. A., de Pablos-Heredero, C., Jiménez-Rodríguez, M. L., de Marcos-Ortega, L., Barchino-Plata, R., Rodriguez, D. & Gómez-Aguado, D. (2014), Análisis de la satisfacción de cliente mediante el uso de cuestinarios con preguntas, Dyna, 81(188) 92-99, DOI: 10.15446/dyna.v81n188.40144 [Bib]
  2. Harrison, R., da Cruz, D., Henriques, P. and Pereira, M.J.V, Liu, S.-H. and Menzies, T. and Mernik, M., Rodríguez, D., Report from the first international workshop on realizing artificial intelligence synergies in software engineering (RAISE 2012), SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 37(5), 34-35, Septermber 2012.[Bib]
  3. Valiente, M.C., Vicente-Chicote, C., Rodriguez, D., An Ontology-Based and Model-Driven Approach for Designing IT Service Management Systems, International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology, 2(2), 65-81, April-June 2011, DOI: 10.4018/jssmet.2011040104 [Bib]
  4. Co-editor Special Issue: Advances in Software Engineering with Soft-computing, International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, 4(4), 2010
  5. Riquelme, J.C., Ruiz, R., Rodriguez, D., Aguilar-Ruiz, J.S., "Finding Defective Modules by Means of Data Mining Techniques", IEEE Latin America Transactions, 7(3), 377-382, July 2009. DOI: 10.1109/TLA.2009.5336637 [Bib]
  6. Cuadrado, J.J., González-Sotos, L., Rodríguez D., Sicilia, M.A. (2006, August). Evolution of computer science studies in Spain in the European higher education area. Upgrade [Online]. 4 (7), 13-22. ISSN: 1684-5285.
  7. Rejas-Muslera, R.J., Cuadrado, J.J., Dolado, J., Rodríguez, D. (2005, October). The open source software vs. proprietary software debate and its impact on technological innovation. Upgrade [Online]. 6(5), 35-39. ISSN: 1684-5285.
  8. Gutiérrez de Mesa, J.A., Rodriguez, D., Lytras, M.D., (2005, October) An Outlook for Ubiquitous Computing: Computing Power Anywhere and in Any Device, Upgrade [Online]. 6(5), 3-7. ISSN: 1684-5285. [Editorial Paper].
  9. Cuadrado, J.J., Rodríguez, D., Sicilia, M., "Modelos segmentados de estimación del esfuerzo de desarrollo del software: un caso de estudio con la base de datos ISBSG,"Revista de Procesos y Métricas de las Tecnologías de la Información (RPM), 1(2), 25-30, 2004. ISSN: 1698-2029.
  10. Loconsole, I., Rodriguez, D., Borstler, J., Harrison, R., Metrics 2001: The Science and Practice of Software Metrics Conference, Software Engineering Notes, 26(6), 52-56, 2001, DOI: 10.1145/505532.505544 [Bib]

Book Chapters

  1. Reyes, E., Rodríguez, D., Dolado, "Overview of Technologies for Decision Making in Accounting Information Systems", in XBRL - Emerging Language in Business Reporting, Alagiri, D (Ed), The Icfai University Press, 2009. ISBN: 978-81-314-2450-6.
  2. Dolado, J., Rodriguez, D., Ferrer, F., Riquelme, J., Cuadrado, J.J., "A two stage zone regression method for global characterisation of a project database", in Advances in machine learning applications in software engineering, Zangh, D and Tsai, J., (Eds), Idea Group Publishing, 2007. ISBN: 1-59140-941-1. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-941-1.ch001 [Bib]
  3. Rodríguez, D., Dolado J., "Redes Bayesianas en la Ingeniería del Software", en Técnicas cuantitativas para la gestión en la ingeniería del software, Tuya, J., Ramos, I., Dolado, J. (Eds.), Netbiblo, 2007, ISBN 9788497452045.
  4. Rodríguez, D., Harrison, R., "Medición en la Orientación a Objeto", in Medición para la Gestión en la Ingeniería del Software, Dolado, J. and Fernández, L., Eds., RA-MA, 2000, ISBN 84-7897-403-2. (In English)


  1. Sánchez, S., Sicilia, M.A., Rodríguez, D., Ingeniería del software, Garceta Grupo Editorial, 2011. ISBN: 978-84-9281-240-0 (in Spanish).

Book Translation

  1. We have also translated the SWEBOK (Software Engineering Body of Knowledge) 2004. Individual chapters can be downloaded from the IEEE SWEBOK web site. A local copy can be downloaded from here: [HispaSWEBOK]. References from all chapters: [Bibtex]


  1. Rodriguez, D., Design and Evaluation of Web Applications and Processes, Reading University, UK, 2003